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TUC Solidarity Hub: “We got an amazing result!”: A great ballot turnout for the AEP


"It was AEP's first vote for industrial action since 2011 – but it secured an improved pay offer which members accepted."

AEP General Secretary Cath Lowther talked to the TUC about the AEP's recent negotiations and dispute over the Soulbury Pay Claim - and the successful campaign and ballot turnout achieved.

The article is a great reminder of why we must stay strong to achieve the big (and small) wins and work together to thrive as a profession and movement.


Cath is looking forward to the year ahead:

“We are now thinking about how we approach our 2024 pay claim. Talks will start again in September, but we have already initiated conversations about other issues and this time we can use some of the campaigning techniques that we learned through the industrial action period."


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