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Support for members

The AEP offers support to members

in a variety of ways - from

help in the workplace, legal

advice and furthering

professional development.

Services for you

  • We organise and sponsor courses & events relevant to the practice of educational psychology.
  • Investment in key research in the field, including the production of a world renowned quarterly professional journal, Educational Psychology in Practice.
  • Secure legal advice and assistance to members in legal and regulatory cases arising out of or in the course of their professional life.  
  • Provide an indemnity (so far as may be lawful) to employees, office holders and trustees of the Association whilst engaged in Association Business.

Helping you in the workplace...

  • We work hard to improve pay and working conditions of members within, and promote members’ interests with employers.
  • Work to establish good relations between members and their employers.      
  • Provide advice, assistance and protection to members in matters affecting their professional and employment interests, and to settle disputes arising from members’ employment.
  • Protect the rights of members and promote equality & diversity within the profession.
  • Promote the training of educational psychologists; ensuring a high standard of qualification for entry to the profession.
  • Raise the status of the profession and the public profile through engagement with a range of stakeholders including government departments and ministers across the UK, charities & other trade unions.    

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